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OROPOS, greece
May 2, 3 ,4 - 2025

We are honoured to invite the “The Three Healing Mothers“, Mama Celestina, Mama Amelia and the Grand Mother Plant Medicine from the Amazon Rainforest. This unique event offers an authentic experience of the healing methods of the Shipibo. Two ayahuasca ceremonies are complemented with powerful daytime healing practices and liberation methods designed to have a profound effect on your own spiritual evolution and sacred healing journey.


The Shipibo have lived in the Amazon rainforest for millennia. They are scattered over a large area of the Amazon jungle, mostly in Peru. They speak their own language, which belongs to the Panoan language family and they are mostly bilingual with Spanish as a second language. Interestingly, their society is matriarchal, with women having a dominant say in community decisions.

Even though they were persecuted for hundreds of years the managed to maintain their customs and traditions and they still singing their sacred songs and prayers until today. The Mother Plant (ayahuasca), has played a predominant role in shaping the Shipibo culture, influencing much of their customs, arts, and social behaviour. They are the first people that came in contact with the Mother Plant and they played a very important role in developing ayahuasca as a medicinal healing practice.

We deeply respect the healing traditions of the Shipibo People which have evolved over hundreds, possibly thousands of years. Their far-reaching ancestral lineages carry an expansive cosmology, a vast knowledge of medicinal plants and they deeply understand the non-physical dimensions of being. They understand the energetic architecture of the mind, body, and soul. The Shipibos are the top ayahuasca healers on this planet.


Doña Celestina (in green) and Doña Amelia (in purple) are kind and open-hearted women from the Shipibo Amazon Tribe. They come from the native community set along the Ucayali River. A community which has a long and rich history amongst the Shipibos. They have only recently stepped out of the Amazon jungle and for the first time they are travelling to Europe to spread the authentic Shipibo shamanic knowledge, the healing, the prayers and the wisdom. In the Shipibo people it is very common to see more women as healers than men who are able to use their motherly feminine healing energy. Both Doña Celestina and Doña Amelia have a long ancestral lineage. They are sister healers and they come from the ‘Astral Travelers’, a family of maestros and meastras where their grandmothers, mothers, fathers, uncles and aunts were all medicine people.



Maestra Doña Amelia is one of the elder mamas in her community and she continues to spread the arts of the healing practices that were passed on to her by her Grandfather and especially by her Grandmother. For many years her Grandmother was teaching her how to work with master plants and many other amazonian roots, flowers, and fruits. Her meastra Grandmother taught her how to connect with the spirits of the most important plant teachers like Piñón Colorado, Ajo Sacha, Mocura, Ayaymama, Kion, Matico and Toe. Through out the years she has gained a lot of experience, saving many lives and healing many souls. She continues the ancient lineage of Shipibo medicine women transmitting a beautiful female motherly healing energy in work she does.

She has been permanently on dietas (training through fasting) allowing her to have a very strong spiritual connection with the mother plant and other plant teachers. Dietas enable her to access spiritual dimensions while in an expanded state of consciousness with ayahuasca, where she can call the “spirit doctors” and heal a huge range of psychological, emotional, and physical conditions. 

She is a humble and very charismatic healer and the vibrant healing energy of the Amazon River flows through her hands.




Mama Celestina from a young age has been guided by her family – specially her father and uncle  to learn the healing practices of the Shipibo. Her father, Don José was for many years was the most important and most respected healer inside and outside of their community. Her uncle Don Arturo, who became her second Maestro taught her how to enter into a deeper spiritual connection with the Mother Plant Ayahuasca by singing beautiful Ikaros. Mama Celestina is a loving mother of 4 children. She was able to save her young daughter when she disappeared deep in the jungle and she was lost for more than two years. With the help of the Mother plant ayahyasca she was able to find and save her life. 

During her teenage years she was initiated in the Shipibo healing practices by entering many different dietas (training through fasting).  This process allows her to have a strong spiritual connection with the mother plant and other plant teachers. Through this process she has created many “special relations” with animals, plants, and spirits. She is able to invoke those “spirit doctors” via her beautiful Ikaros (healing chants) during the healing ceremonies.


Doña Celestina and Doña Amelia provide the highest quality of healing that stems from their lifetime training, and their connection with countless generations of healing lineages. Ultimately all knowledge is sourced from the Amazon Rainforest itself.

What is often misunderstood in this new age psychedelic ‘renaissance’ is that the key to long-lasting, deep healing relies on three very important factors: a. the right plant medicine, b. healing practices that are pure and aligned with lineage, c. kind and authentic healers that know what they are doing. When working with the mother plant (ayahuasca) without highly skilled shamanic healers, the psychedelic experience can be profound yet most often does not provide long-lasting healing and in many cases it could have negative effects.

For both Maestra Celestina and Maestra Amelia it is their mission to spread the authentic knowledge and healing methods that are aligned with all the three factors described above. Not only they will guide us through the Mother Plant ceremony in an exceptional way, but they will also share with us many shamanic teachings and practices. For the ones seeking healing, this results in clearing heavy energies, transform negative thinking patterns, and healing the mind, soul and body with long-lasting effects. 


The key to the success of the healing carried out by the Shipibo masters lies in their ability to access and work in the non-physical realms of being. They are literally able to see and feel your inner world; your past, your pain, your shadows. Through clearing the pains of the past and bringing energetic alignment to your body, mind, and soul, a transformational process begins: a long-term journey of profound self-reflection, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening.

The Mother Plant: Doña Celestina and Doña Amelia have a very close spiritual connection with the Mother Plant. The ayahuasca brew served is sourced from their own sustainable mother plant cultivation, and it is cooked at their village by themselves in a ceremonial environment.

Ikaros: To achieve deep purification and healing the maestras sing ancient Ikaros (prayers) in a loving way during the ceremony. They call in the plant-spirit doctors to carry out energetic surgeries. It is those plant-spirit allies/doctors who extract, clear, and purify heavy energies from the system of the patient and then allows the patient to have a spiritual expansion.

Ceremonial and healing Elements: The healers bring Mapacho (wild tobacco) and seeds, collected from the Amazon jungle, which are used as purifiers prior and during the ceremony. They collect fruits and use them to produce a special paint out of them. They will apply this paint and draw Ikaros on the energetic areas of our bodies. This acts as another method of guidance so that we can open new spiritual pathways for personal and universal understanding. This is a non-permanent natural paint that will be disappear from the skin in on its own.



Here is the schedule for our 3-day Ayahuasca retreat with the Shipibos. People may choose to follow the full schedule or if they want they can participate only in the daytime ceremonies and teaching sessions. However, in order to get the most out of this unique opportunity we recommend that people sign up for the full program. Besides the group schedule, private healing sessions will be available.

10:00Integration with Spirits of the Nature & creating sacred space
11:00Purification and protection with the sacred Amazon fruit “Huito”
12:00Healing ceremony and bath with flower water
13:00Dieta Lunch (no more food after this point)
15:00Maestras paint sacred Shipibo symbols in the chest
16:00Ikaros & Dance to Connect with the Spirit of the Water
20:00Ikaros for Calling on the Spirit of the Mother Plant
20:301st Ceremony with Mother Plant
09:00Dieta Breakfast
10:00Invocation of the spirit of Dr. Mapacho (Amazon Wild Tabaco)
11:00Integration with the energetic qualities of Fire
12:00Maestras will paint the belly with the Amazon fruits
13:00Dieta Lunch (no more food after this point)
15:00Ikaros to Connect with the Spirit of the Fire
20:00Calling on the Spirit of the Mother Plant
21:002nd Mother Plant Ceremony
09:00Dieta Breakfast
10:00“Calling Kuka”: Integration with the spirit of Hummingbird
11:00Balancing the female & male body
12:00Blessing with Amazonian flower water
13:00Special Dieta Break
14:00Closing Ceremony & Farewell Ikaros


Traditional Shipibo Ayahuasca Retreat:
The Three Healing Mothers

All inclusive Price : € 600

A portion of the income from our ayahuasca retreat funds projects on environmental justice and regenerative agriculture. The current main project: The reforestation of the Amazon and the protection of Medicinal Plants. 

What’s Included

  • 2 Ayahuasca Ceremonies
  • Integration sessions and practices to support your process
  • Daytime Shipibo Ceremonies and Shamanic Teachings
  • Healing body bath with Amozon flower water
  • 2 Body paint session with healing Ikaros
  • Shared accommodation in simple but comfortable rooms with private toilets
  • Small group size limited to 15 people
  • A skilled team of facilitators to guide you in your process
  • Deliciously simple organic meals, suitable for working with medicinal plants
  • Translation from Shipibo/Spanish to English

Private Healing : € 90 

This is a 45 minute private healing session where you will be given the opportunity to describe your personal issue. Then the two healers will provide you with a personalised healing session according to the issue you have described to them.


For those preparing to drink ayahuasca it is an essential part of the process to have a proper preparation. Upon confirmation of your registration, you will receive information about the appropriate nutritional diet and how to prepare your mind and body for your healing journey. You will follow a plant based diet, which avoids all animal products, including meat, eggs, and dairy. During the preparation period which is usually 30 days you are recommended to eat your food as plain as possible by avoiding lots of salt, sugar, and spices. It is also a good practice to avoid alcohol and recreational drugs during the preparation period.

To participate fully in the daytime ceremonies, tools and ceremonial elements will be given to you from the Amazon.


If you would like to register and book a spot on this retreat sends us an email or call us on the number below. Also if you would like additional information or if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with us. You can use telegram, viber or whatsapp  to reach us.

We are committed in providing an authentic experience in a safe environment, and a genuine, deep, and lasting healing.

This retreat is brought to you and organised with the collaboration of the Pachama School, Cusco Peru.